STREET FIGHTER: PUNHO DE ASSASSINO Ryu. Ryu. Vire-se e me encare. Esta luta não acabou. É assim que você quer agir. Não sei o que se apossou de você... mas você não reage, e talvez isto ajude....



STREET FIGHTER: PUNHO DE ASSASSINO Província de Shizuoka 1958 Não, ainda não. Goki. Goki. O que está fazendo? Lembre, sem pressa, Goki. Como no seu treinamento, é preciso muita habilidade e precisão....



STREET FIGHTER: PUNHO DE ASSASSINO A técnica perfeita do Hado requer fundamentalmente dois adversários. Primeiro, para gerar um Hado estável rapidamente... é preciso usar o 'Poder do...



1 Hadoken. Shoryuken. Master! Master! I appreciate what you are saying Master Did you call me? Resting. I used to see boys lining up here each morning, now I see men warriors. It looks like your...
1 Wait, wait, wait! What are you doing here? Did you come to fight? Hmmmmm I know a fighter when I see one, but you're just spectating. We just want to watch. What are you doing? Don't worry....
1 Hadoken. Always fishing I don't know why. Ah, stupid foreigner, are you by yourself? Is there no one to play with you? I feel sorry for you. Okay Goma will play with you then. That won't work, I...
1 What are you doing? Yes. I'm done 'Metsu' (Destruction) Begin. Stop. Shoryuken! Uncle! Goki Tatsumaki senpu-kyaku! Goken, no! Stop it. Goki. In the dojo now! Kneel! Was your intention to kill your...
1 It is time. Metsu Hadoken! Goki was corrupted by Satsui no Hado. I'm not sure whether the ends justify the means. The risk seems too high a price. Is there not any other way to manifest Hado? Am I...
1 - Metsu - Prepare yourself. -Hadoken! -One instant a thousand strikes! This is destruction. You were a great Master and even through your defeat you have taught me much Shin-oni. But now a new...
1 Oh Ryu! Good morning. Ryu. You're looking strong today. Is that because you brought your girlfriend? Ryu. I'm writing you a song. Wait a bit longer. Oh it's just the stupid foreigner. If you're a...