Well, I'm not sure, but of one thing I am certain: History judges one differently than contemporary observers, and so I think that as time passes, I hope that not me personally so much, but our...
But, as environment minister, I am very interested in a thriving German automobile industry, because I can only pay for the rising costs of environmental protection at home and abroad if there are...
For me, what I am making in the novel is a place to live. When I first switched from poetry to novels, I was asked why, and the metaphor I came up with was about poems as rooms. You can make a room...



But by all this I am not deterred, for I have seen, I have heard, I have felt.
I like being innocent, but know now when I am being taken for a ride.
Just do not come to me I am scared HAHA Maybe Aliens did it HAHA Okay, Hi Guys! I was at the tattoo studio And now I am at the park which is in Košice (my city) And I will show you around And I want...
I am the innocent. I am born into a place that immediately claims ownership of me. It sees my helplessness and meets my physical needs, but in return, it holds over me the requirement of unconditional...
I was the first person to go to university in my family so it was quite a big deal It was a huge moment for me and I was apprehensive about applying, but then when I realised that this is the...
He said: 'Let me touch, and everything will be okay. And, if you let me touch you All of your pain, it will fade away.' He said: 'Here try this sh*t, It will make you feel...



I was the first person to go to university in my family so it was quite a big deal It was a huge moment for me and I was apprehensive about applying, but then when I realised that this is the...