In this video, we are going to compare two of the biggest countries of south Asia with each other and see who the best is. Keep in mind we are going to compare them to the facts of Military Power,...
Hi friends! it's my second tutorial after the first tutorial that was in Arabic this time we will speak in French , and put the subtitling in English! the first tutorial was the rotation...
I don't want to send them to jail. I want to send them to school.
- Morning trainiacs, busy in the main tank today. It is a time trialey kind of day for me. I can taste the lactic acid already. (upbeat music) Let's do a little stretch cord workout before the...
In this video we are going compare two of the world Giants with each other and see who the best is. Keep in mind we are going to compare them on the facts of Military Power, Economy, and human develop...
Today we're gonna see some differences between winter in the North and South of the United States Winter officially starts in December and ends in April. As you can see, we get a lot of snow...
Today we are rolling street swags. We roll them, and we distribute them to the homeless. You give service out, you get fit and active during the program. The adventurous journey also helps you to just...
I'm a social worker, and I'm a social worker whether or not I'm working. I work down near the Staten Island Ferry and I would go into the city occasionally and see the homeless...
China to the U.S.: Let's talk about trade Donald Trump may be looking to pick a fight with China over trade. Beijing says it just wants to talk. "In the China-U.S. economic and trade...