DR. BETH HARRIS: We're in the Louvre, and we're looking at a painting by Raphael called La Belle Jardinire. And it's a lovely Raphael Madonna and Child with the infant Saint...



This is the town of St. Osyth five miles west of clacton on Sea in the county of Essex Many guide books list the main points historical interests as the superb remains of a medieval priory from eleven...



I’ve just walked into this building and it looks amazing, it’s like a cathedral of the arts, or cathedral to the arts. My message to people starting out at King’s Cross would be to embrace this...



Okay, Mädchen, ich möchte, dass du mir erzählst, was heute mit dem Kobold passiert ist. Es war wirklich verrückt heute. Der Kobold benutzte unsere Dusche und der Boden war wirklich grün. Er benutzte...
Saint Barbara's Church in Kutná Hora is one of the most famous Gothic churches in central Europe and it is a UNESCO world heritage site. Kutná Hora is a city situated in the Central Bohemian...
[music] We're standing in St. Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican City, in Rome; and it is one of the largest, most ornate spaces I've ever been in. I shouldn't say one of...
So today is the day when we have to introspect. So should we go into meditation, all of us? Please close your eyes. All of you close your eyes. Now we all will do the meditation the way we have been...
Today is a great day to come to Brighton, because it’s the day of Buddha’s birthday. Today is Buddha's birthday, Lord Buddha's birthday. We all have heard about His birth and that His...
C'mon Ladies ! Dance ! I can see you over there just chilli'n with your girlfriends Can't believe your by yourself you should be here with me, Chillin' with me, drinkin' with me,...

