Winter If we leave this here ‘til morning... What? I think it cracked. Do you see the grease on the rim? Watch. But it can’t be! -Then where is it from? -I don't know. Put that there! Turn it...
-You're out! -I can't be eliminated just like that! -You won't make it to the end... -It's a simple thing, just a signature. -Can't you get me another form,...
Two suicides in less than 48h, both in the province of Málaga. A man and a woman took their life after loosing their home. Amaya Egaña was 53 years old when she threw herself from the forth floor of...
Assault troops start landing. "Tanks, closer to each other!" "Troops, prepare for landing!" Shaped charge IED was masked near the tree. "Guys, answer, are...
But they told me that phoenixes are docile... That one was a little different. I never thought a phoenix would be turned into a monster. Real phoenixes are delicate, beautiful creatures. Moreover,...
Trés tôt ce matin nous sommes allés á Chollay recueillir de l'eau pour pouvoir l'amener jusqu'ici A un endroit oú il y avait une couche comme ça d'argile pleine de...



Hello friends how are you? We are here in my Sector Wilde Shooting on Las Flores 2400 my name is Daniel Tagliafico and we will continue with technical tactical shooting rifle but instead of pointing...
My Dorabella would never stray! Heaven made her as faithful as she is lovely. My Fiordiligi couldn't betray me! I believe that her loyalty is equal to her beauty. You see the grey in my hair?...