This is her pizza. This, is her pizza. Look at the size of this. And this is an individual order. I'm here in Verona. I moved to here some weeks ago. And Verona is one of the most romantic...
Pedro! Come here my little boy play with mommy! Or you thought I was a card off your pack? Did you know that cards are a gipsy art? In fact, every game is a kind of art! But kid, you´ve never been a...
[The mission will be successful if they answer the group's card in the game board] [If they get 'Bingo' in 10 chances they will receive a snack!] We didn't know...
Na? Na? Auch eine kleine Pausenstärkung? Eigentlich habe ich mehr Appetit auf was anderes Schon wieder?! Wie wäre es denn mit der passenden Tischmusik? Mm, du meinst, dann schmeckt der nächste Gang...
Hallo an alle Willkommen noch einen Tag in meinem Kanal "Schön von innen und außen" mit der Herausforderung "Abnehmen mit mir in 1 Monat"! Heute möchte ich mich...
Oi galera da QUEM, ele é o Luan Santana e ela é a Fefa, Na verdade, então ele é o Lunis, e ela é a Fefa, A gente vai agora fazer quatro perguntas para cada um eu espero que sejam boas e eu espero que...
Al fin casa. ¿Podés prender la luz, Carla? Este reloj está más atrasado. Volvimos en el tiempo. (el piensa) Ahí está ella. Pidiendo mimitos. (ella piensa) Ahí esta él. Pidiendo que lo deje mirar el...



Sábado al fin, terminé de estudiar te propongo un hermoso plan que no deje sin repasar las canciones el baile, comer algo en la calle y después por supuesto amar. Silvio en concierto u otro que se...



He looks great. That Al Conti is a genius. I am a genius! So, how come you can't keep track of your receipts? How am I supposed to do your income tax with this mess you've got here? Numbers, taxes,...
La historia de... ...dos parejas Querer ser recordado Querer olvidar Un veterinario Una paisajista "Tía" "Tío Pez Dorado" Una historia de un amor...

