It's embarrassing, isn't it? It took me 15 years to make an 18-minute movie.
Some people say to me, Isn't it too bad that people discovered you so late? I never thought that.
Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than...
Isn't it quiet and cold walking all alone, alone? Happened I missed the bus and found I had to walk, alone What was that? Only me Hear the echo of my feet Footsteps Are they mine? Hear the echo of the...
So, Allen, what are we doing here today, and who's here with you? I'm handing a piece of paper to our producer, field producer, Nikki Simms. That's what we're doing....
No, oh, oh, oh, oh, no, oh, oh, no, oh, oh, oh. Oh no girl, now wait just a minute I've got something to say, you should hear it, oh. I'm happy to make time for your feelings, you have...
Why isn't God more clear? Why isn't it just more clear? I want it to just be really simple. Why isn't God more clear about the nature of hell? It reminds me of a conversation...
I spent loads of time writing a sales page for my website so why isn't it working? A few weeks ago I published a video which is talking about the reason why I don't like writing client...
Red Guy: Isn't it nice to finally be outside on such a beautiful day? Green Duck: Yes, and I packed us a delicious chicken picnic. [Yellow Guy is happy] Green Duck: Pesky bee. [Yellow Guy is...
first and last name we do random off so they had to get a spoiled talk about computers not password resets hello everybody and welcome to another one of my videos my name is pop them Drugs yo just...