Master of the bump kurt stumbaugh

[Kung-fu sample:] Master! [Sounds of fighting] Toad style... hmmph The Shaolin deliberately tried to use the Lord To learn our Wu-Tang sword fighting! The Shaolin would never do that! Wouldn't you?...
Here we have these virtual agents with the shape of sharks. They have a visual system that spans hundred eighty degrees and that detects movements of salient elements in the visual field. Moving...



Angles, a la Shmoop When two old friends bump into each other, it’s called a “reunion.” Or, if they really don’t like each other anymore, it’s called “awkward.” But when two lines bump into each...



Hello :) let's get straight into this :) looking for something interesting to do... I'm sneaking because I don't have very much health so detection is a death sentence...
[Master P (Cube):] I'm ready (Ay yo P What's crackin' nigga?) I'm tryin' to get my roll on Cube. (So where we headed?) The Player's Club fool. You 'Bout It? (I'm 'Bout It nigga I heard it was hoes at...
I remember UltramaAnnotategnetic and Stetsasonic Afrika Bambaataa and the Soul Sonic MC Shy D, Public Enemy Boogie Down, MC Shan, MC Ren The Disco 3, Mr. Magic with the Rap Attack All day KDAY...