Noël, c'est un temps pour me souvenir avec joie de tout ce que Jésus à fait pour moi, être avec ma famille et mes amis. Le meilleur c'est le bon repas avec la dinde, les pommes de...
Stream all the articles and news you want onto one screen. Quickly find topics that interest you, subscribe to them, and read them whenever in HTC BlinkFeed. Here's how to set up your...
We believe that local is here to stay and it's gaining more and more momentum Local means quality to me. Top chefs want to use the freshest and the best possible ingredients And the best and...
Since May 2013, The "Centre de Médecine et Chirurgie Esthétique du Léman" opened in Vich (VD), Switzerland. This Centre was founded by Doctor Houyoux who is passionate about...
today I will show you a Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk recipe Super easy to do do and is equal as the store bought . At least for me is I hope you will like it I think it is delicious and for me if...
Insights into Rosh Hashanah, with Karen Berg. What does Rosh Hashanah mean to you? Mom, what does Rosh Hashanah mean to you personally? It's a time when for as many people who are so far away,...
Until now, I was sure that telecommunications evolved from smoke signals to eletrical telegraphy, to wired telephone networks, to the radio, to TV and the internet. But there is a missing link in this...



Well this is interesting. So you're Kylie? Most of the time. Wait. Wait. What the fuck is this wait shit? Untie me right now. You better see where this goes before you start choosing sides....



Hi girls! Today I will show you how to make a cosmic nail art In shade of blue and silver. Like foil paper. I hope that you will like this video. Share it if you like it. So let’s have a look to the...
It's been one month since the tragic explosion that left 15 people dead Factory owner, Don Paco, hasn't been in the public eye since he was hospitalized. Now let's go to...