I joined the peace corps in 2006 after finishing my undergrad in parks and recreation management and my goal in life was just to be a tour guide and to travel the world and i think that to be honest...



A thousand cats of different colours A million kisses on the moon Call me cute and dance with me And I will never ever let you go Run with me as fast as you can Fly with me to a different world Where...
Hey guys!! Of course, Max is here with new secret leaks! You all know about Egg Hunt 2017: Lost Eggs?? I made a game with 43 different egg leaks, come join the game to see what eggs looks like! The...
I had put all my car payment, rent, every dime I had in, my tax returns, everything in this play. And I thought 1200 people would show up. I just knew it. And only thirty showed up. I lost everything...
Hi. This is Dixie from a Fool's Journey. Your favorite Tarot diva. I have the Psychic Tarot Oracle out, I'm going to do a mini-reading. for my friend s She's having a really...
<b>Singer:AYMAN KAFRONI TIRED OF BEING LOST</b> i got tired of being lost i hated being far and alienation i am searching for my heart comfort i can't find myself i...
ha ! you think you can escape he thought it, you can tell by the expression on his face he thought he could escape perhaps he's just to late instead he chose in death to sell his soul to seal...
Welcome to Lost in Translation, this time from Tel Aviv I am Lia Weiner and... Hold that thought Trump tweeted. At the beginning of the month, Trump announced to the world that he is contemplating...
In 1994 nearly a million people perished in the Rwandan genocide 6 men, women and children were murdered every minute of every hour of every day for 100 days Genocide is the worst experience any human...
Don't give me or anybody else a list of reasons why it's difficult for you to lose weight Hey this is Dix from Low Carb Zen. I have talked to you all in the past about making peace...