Well, what is his status, Gretchen? His vital signs are fluctuating wildly. It's been a struggle ever since that fiasco in the crypt. I do hope I haven't made this trip for nothing. Gee, Nigel, your...
Previously on Lois & Clark: First they nearly try to kill you and then they say, "He's the one. " He passed our tests. The law demands he return. Nobody on Earth has ever had your...
Tout droit, le sauvegarder. Rappelez-vous, ce n'est pas seulement les ordures plus. Lois, à ce sujet l'article que vous avez écrit sur l'infestation de la mouche des fruits: Pensez-vous que, si elle...
Nice! Merci. N'est pas votre jeu, hein? Je suis vais chercher un autre seau. Désolé. Je remarque que vous êtes en pliant le coude gauche. Pourquoi n'essayez-vous pas maintenant droite? Merci. Et être...
Mon nom est Jor-EI... Et vous êtes Kal-EI, mon fils. L'objet que vous possédez maintenant a été à l'écoute pour vous. Que vous entendez maintenant ces mots est la preuve que vous avez survécu... Le...
Comment faire un jeu de un contre un? Vous êtes Bo? - Je sais. - Ouais, c'est ça. Je veux dire, vous le sauriez. Bien sûr, oui. Premier coup franc le ballon. Accord. Bo sait lancers francs. Que...
-I can't believe it's next week. -I know. Is this the absolute total final guest count? Funny you should mention that... ...because I ran into an old friend last night. -Who? -Lana Lang. Oh, an old...
I just love going to these charity events in the midafternoon. I say we get in, make an appearance, and get out. Isn't Perry expecting you to be auctioned off? I told him I wasn't available. Am l?...
Olsen, where are those blowups of Superman? Lab's backed up. Turnaround might take a couple hours. Turnaround! Great shades of Elvis! What are we here? The Daily Planet, or second stringers from the...
I know. - That was - I mean Exactly. The only thing I'd like more would be - More? - Yes. You know, we could still make those reservations in Hawaii. We are not leaving this room. How are we gonna...