On 'Saturday Night Live,' I never really wrote. You know, I would just - I would let the writers cast me into the show. So my strength - and I put all my energies into performance. I just couldn't...



I don't want to live. I want to love first, and live incidentally.
Even when I go do comedy stuff live, I can still feel the drummer in me about to go onstage.
When I started on 'Saturday Night Live,' I had the choice of wearing contact lenses, which I had never worn before, or glasses, in order to be able to read the cue cards.



As long as God lets me live, I want to do things that make a difference in the world besides play music.



We live, I think, in the century of science and, perhaps, even in the century of physics.
As long as I live, I know I'll have feelings. And that's what I'm passionate about.
Best fight ever in a movie: 'They Live.' I want to do a martial arts version of that, where you think it's ended, and it just keeps on going. I love that fight. It was funny as well. Unexpected.



I like that band Get Hustle. They're cool live. I haven't heard their records, though.