The National Park Service has a very important role in the Inauguration What the Inauguration is about really is cooperation, coordination, and also enormous pride. A lot of the activities that take...
Supreme Leader's Speech at Inauguration of Islamic Awakening and Ulama Conference 29/04/2013 In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the...



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re from Carson High School in Carson City, Nevada. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we`re attending the 57th presidential inauguration in our nation`s Capitol. UNIDENTIFIED MALES AND...
Press Release: 2013 Inauguration Case Study - PMC Associates The American Red Cross Was Deployed To Provide Public Safety Assistance Armed With Vertex Standard eVerge Radios, They Were Able To...
.CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are awesome on CNN STUDENT NEWS. On this particular Friday, we`re going to dig deep into the presidential inauguration, we`re going to look at how organizers are...
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Hey this is Sam Humeid for the Cannabinews. We're here at the mayor's inauguration. Major Eric Garcetti is about to get inaugurated and he's gonna be the first mayor of Los...



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and we're back on the fowler should now i think anything about these annika review plenty of room all across the country to come out to enjoying what i will call american pageantry word...
so we're up here on the west press there the southwest and and the if you look just beyond that that's the washington monument the crowd is pat there's so many people out here...