Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long Anytime she...



I like being married. I'm at home with my wife and kids all the time now. I don't go out for wild nights.



I'm just never getting there. I'm getting round to it. I'm beginning to understand it a bit more.
- I'm bisexual, but I'm not confused. - I'm bisexual, but I'm not just experimenting. - I'm bisexual, but I'm not easy. - But I am not greedy. - And...
Women's health care is being tossed around like a football. The argument has been over for a very long time... to have the right to choose. We should be mad. Are you mad? You're not...
Hello, I'm at the Warner Bros Studio Tour, I'm looking forward to going round again, it's my second time and i'm looking forward to lots of Butterbeer. I'm here...



I'm definitely not getting married. In this business, you're either getting married or they want you to be pregnant. I'm not getting married until I'm forty. If ever.



I'm friends with Carla Olsen and she's doing a lot of producing these days. She's getting quite a little collection of records that she's produced. She's real busy.
I'm nearly always at home at the weekends; that's important for every working woman today, not just me. I don't encourage people to come in at the weekend and work; I encourage people to go home and...