Hi I'm Tam and I'm going to show you how to make a pair of Rutilated quartz drop earrings. So, Rutilated quartz is basically a type of stone. And, it's a quartz and the...
Hi there! Welcome to Petite Bootique Supplies Video Tutorials. We are based in Australia and today we are bringing you a video on how to make bubblegum bead bracelets using elastic stretch cord. Well...
Today we're going to learn how to make earrings. Making earrings is one of the easiest, most simple thing you can do with wire making. You want to start with a type of straight pin. You can...
These fun earrings are all about bead caps and we're going to show you how to design this playful earring using three different kinds of bead caps. The bead caps we're using are a very...
Have you ever seen one of these filigree pieces in the beading section of the craft store or at a bead show and wondered what to do with them? Well we love using them in all kinds of jewelry pieces...
To make the chain tassel earrings we've got silver wire. It's 26 gauge, which is very fine. And we've got chain. We have 18 inches of 2 millimeter wide chain. It has a very...
For these earrings you'll need connectors. And we found these beautiful swirl connectors on Etsy, but we also see them at bead shows and you can see connectors like this at in the bead section...