Hey everyone! In this video, I answer Arthur’s question: I’m an unknown and unpublished author. I’m considering making videos of me reading my short stories, then putting them on YouTube. I suppose...
hey everyone so recently I was in LA for my very first weekend of a new mastermind this one sponsored by Lewis house awesome group of people in the mastermind with incredible speakers in fact the...
Hey, everyone! How's it going? Nazeerma1994 and as promised, I'm going to start my video walkthrough game of "The Thing." Sorry about that. Yeah. So, of course, as...
Hey everyone, this is Miz Moffatt from Across the Litoverse, and it’s time for the Year-End Reading Survey: the 2017 Edition! I’ve got 20 bookish questions, and a lovely cup of tea, so let’s get to...
NBAG salutes all the comrades watching this video… All the snipers are in position & waiting for your orders. I order them to shoot. Tango this is NBAG, you are clear to engage, take down the...
Another terrorist attack, another hashtag. #Prayfor (insert whatever) Who is everyone even praying to? These people don't even believe in God. (Music plays) Hey everyone, I'm Rachel...
Hey everyone. Wallace here with your Monday video. Today I'm telling you a little bit about what I am going to be reading in December. I have not fully planned out my month. I don't...
hey everyone today I'm reviewing the book, threadwalkers by Johanna Volavka and I actually have her with me here today to do a little author interview! hey Joanna! hi! how's it going?...
Hey everyone. I am Brandon Olivares from Co-Creation Coaching. And I'm here with another readers question for this week. Once again, as always, if you would like to ask your own question for...
Hey everyone! SuperPizza8 here, and welcome back to SCP: Secret Laboratory! Now, this is episode 2... As I'm sure a number of you know... if you read the title. Umm... which I obviously...