It's Friday 13th and these 13 tales of woe show why it IS a day to fear It's considered the unluckiest day of the year, but is Friday 13th really something to fear? These stories may...
Gallery: 'Friday the 13th: The Game' | 15 Photos Don't scream: The new 'Friday the 13th' game is out today After a slight delay, the first official Friday the...
Welcome To Exploring World. Today We Are Going To Tell You About The 7 Reasons Why Friday The 13th is Considered an Unlucky Date. The origin of why Friday the 13th is considered such an unlucky day...
Why Are We So Scared Of Friday The 13th? THE number 13 has had a bad reputation for a long time. #1 Double Trouble In Christian tradition there were 13 guests at The Last Supper, the 13th being Judas....
Betsy Palmer is well known for her portrayal of 1982's horror movie, Friday the 13th as Pamela Voorhees, the troubled killer and mother to Jason Voorhees Pamela at first didn't want to...
Games based on established franchises are often based on movies, and they're usually not outstanding. From half baked superhero titles to cartoon knockoffs, there have been so many cash grab...
Nikki: Are you recording? Nikki: *Laughs* Nikki: Oh yeah! Nikki: Yay! Nikki: I mean, aww Nikki: Laughs Nikki: *Laughs* Nikki: We're trying to figure it out Nikki: I hope it's not...
Brandon Buggzy Wilson, or otherwise known as the male athletic jock Majority people out there seem to think that buggzy is based on Julius from Friday the 13th part 8 Jason takes, Manhattan Sounds...
what's going on everybody Monkiedude22 here with another walk through video for you this time I'm going to show you the solutions to the virtual cabin in Friday the 13th the game now...
Kenny Riedell the head counselor of the group. Strangely enough out of everybody Kenny clothes is loosely based on Steve Cristy from Friday the 13 part 1. Steve also happens to be a Head Counselor....