Oh, yeah, that's right! I can do this around my neck! Hi friends! I'm Mo. And I'm Gig. Welcome to... KIDLOSOPHY! Well, well, well...we meet again Kidlosophers! Are you mad? Are...
all right we're after the show here with Amanda how are you doing good doing good so could you tell us how you feel right now I'm feeling it very well-rested I feel calm okay earlier...
7 Ways to Make Your Introvert Feel Loved Each of us gives and receives love in our own unique way. This is one of the very things that makes us who we are, and makes our love special. However, in a...
LEAD us, heavenly Father, lead us O’er the world’s tempestuous sea; Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee; Yet possessing Every blessing, If our God our Father be...
It’s more than the story of three days to me. It’s actually the story of the three years that Jesus lived his ministry life. When I think of Easter I think about how Jesus taught and led his life he...
The Problem with People that Think They are Better Than Others We all come across people with a superiority complex from time to time. That is, they think they are better than everyone else around...
 Mandy Moore is among the select few who know exactly how This Is Us will end.  Though the actress, 34, could not disclose any details from the forthcoming series finale, she did reveal that fans...
How to motivate yourself to work when you don't feel like working. Remember that first day when you joined a new workplace, the motivation and the fresh feeling you had to work and show your...
Been so long Since I had someone to hold I forgot What I needed the most You came along brought me X’s and O’s Tell me right now, right now Why do I feel this way Tell me right now, right now...
today we're going to be talking about what to do when you feel publicly embarrassed hello my name is Augustus and I learn about social barriers and norms to help people become their true self...