Chris brown s girlfriend

I do want to emphasize that I'm pleased he's doing well in the program in this particular progress report. Chris Brown won't be going anywhere this Christmas. A judge has...
Good morning, YouTube. It's day 2 and the final day of Playlist LIVE 2013 It's about noon I slept in What can I say Advice Time I would tell my middle school self that cheeseburgers...
This is video in response to two videos from TJ Kirk also known as The Amazing Atheist. In the video "the B-Word" he argued that it's not sexist for him to call a woman bitch...



Rihanna loves taking pictures and posting them to Twitter -- Hi everyone I’m Brian Corsetti and has all the details. Rihanna has been stirring up controversy ever since rumors...
Welcome to the Williamsburg Diner, my name is Max 'cause the hospital wouldn't le my mother name oops. I've been out of town on summer, anything new? Anything new? Let's see, well Facebook went public...
- [Narrator] Have you ever felt the urge to cry but decided not to because you were afraid of what you would think of yourself or what other people would think of you? What if a girl heard that you...