yeah its giavonnie man im blazin harder than anybody in the street can say it to me nigga im a mtsand mtstand everybody know the streets good everybody know the street hood niggas ___ aight here i go...



Aug 23, 2018  AceShowbiz - Snoop Dogg has chosen 50 of his favourite recipes for his first ever cookbook The Gin & Juice star, who is also co-host of cooking show Martha and Snoop's...
見下さない程度に階段登り 何故か止まらない 勝ち気な笑い あの時 diss してた人々らはどこに隠れているのかな? Your jealousy is my energy どこ見ても私の顔ばかり 避けてとおることはできない The mind game begins from here 戦いを望むなら いつでも どこでも... I am always fighting like I'm...
[Intro: Bay-C] Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!! [T.O.K.:] T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K HEY!!!! T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K T-O-K [Chorus: Flexx] She's hot, she's blazin...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang4105{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 stay blazin' weed...
Striding towards success like a boss Nicki Minaj revealed some of the inside stories about her debut album Pink Friday. she disclosed that her hit single “Right Thru Me" which also remained...
We be blazin, so amazin Everybody get up everybody get up We be blazin, so amazin Everybody get up everybody get up Talib Kweli: New year new record time to do bigger shit Caught a plane to Cali link...



(Kweli) We be blazin' (uh) So amazin' (yeh) Everybody get down Everybody get down (uh, yeh) We be blazin' (uh) So amazin' (c'mon, uh) Everybody get down Everybody get down Yeh (Talib Kweli) New year,...
Where have all the medics gone? My health is getting short. There’s a bullet in my neck I need machine gun support Where is the cavalry to break the German flanks? Where are all the biplanes to come...
shout out to steppin racially appropriate flyin in back a little bit guys. oh, oh. my eyes are so low i cant help myself i need no damn help because its summertime,oh its summertime when i close my...