If I hadn't been a determined person I wouldn't have succeeded in life.



If I hadn't been a designer, I'd have been a painter. I began as a painter and learned the craft of pottery in order to support myself.



I'm still a farm boy at heart. If I hadn't suffered from asthma as a child, I would be a farmer today.



Growing up, if I hadn't had sports, I don't know where I'd be. God only knows what street corners I'd have been standing on and God only knows what I'd have been doing, but instead I played hockey and...



If I hadn't left Texas, I might not have met the director Terrence Malick, and I wouldn't have met my husband and I wouldn't have had the children that I've had. Life is interesting like that.



I think if I hadn't been a writer, I'd have been a teacher like my dad. He was a college professor, and one of my greatest regrets is that he passed away before I was able to prove to him that I...



If I hadn't been so outspoken, Jimmy Carter wouldn't have wanted me.
I'm so aware of the fact that if I hadn't taken the chances that I've taken along the line, I probably wouldn't be getting the best out of my voice anymore, I might have messed it up in that awful,...
If I hadn't been a model, I couldn't have become a movie actress.