Hubble has been the most productive telescope in history but its successor the James Webb Space Telescope is expected to surpass it in many ways-- looking further back to when the universe 's...
I walk down the crowded road where I caught a glance of your eye but you are not here anymore I fear you are gone away to die You're maybe dead you were always two steps ahead I know you are dead you...
The word sati, the Pali word sati, means remembering presence... Being aware of what's going on in the moment... And as most of us know, when we most need it... You know, when we're in...
[MUSIC] The word sati, the Pali word sati, means remembering presence... Being aware of what's going on in the moment... And as most of us know, when we most need it... You know, when...
Between the Curiosity rover’s landing on Mars in 2012 and the recent theatrical release of the movie The Martian, a human journey to Mars is back on everyone’s radar. But while people might be...
The world was just a ball rolling around the sun A million miles away from any other one My life was just a dance where sometimes the music played I held it in my hands 'til only the melody remained...
I'd much rather have a caravan in the hills Than a mansion in the slums The taste of success only lasts you Half an hour or less But it loves you when it comes And you laugh at yourself While you're...
My phobia has got me and I dare not leave the room I'm stare out of my window with my loneliness in bloom I try to call you and I try to call you from the phonebox down the hall I'd like to see you...
my brain it used to hold these memories they've faded fast away surprised i can still recall my name forgotten places and distorted blurry faces such a shame shame shame shame this camera captures...