Isolation Icon & The Blackguard (Text: T.Scorn / Gideon, Music: I.Hate) I unmasked my genesis, this given inbound patricide While clairvoyance killed the super-ego and this all meaning died. I...
Touhou Shiki Family Based on story by Ogakuzu and drawn by Rappa, this fan work releases the Touhou characters into the modern world, Letty is my wife, and idly portrays the peace and tranquility of...
like a firefly aglow in the night never ceases to amaze like the gentle flame of a candle at the altar always ready to inspire rain or shine love divine looks after you from way on high like a wooden...



All right folks, in this clip we're going to talk about how to learn the basics of good camera work. Becoming a good cameraman is definitely something that takes a lot of practice and time,...
It’s been weeks since you first set out to create your own engagement rings. And now your custom engagement ring from Krikawa is ready. It represents your love. It holds your hopes and dreams for the...



*music playing* "Commonwealth Connections Academy is a kindergarten through 12 grade public cyber charter school; it serves students throughout the state of Pennsylvania."...



Charlie Sheen's new comedy finds a home and What World Series Game 7 means for the other networks, I'm Heather and it's all coming up in today's Reel TV News. Charlie...
I don't know I brought it back it was past due & I kinda like past dues Cause I was here for I had 2 cents to give & I was mad too These nighas trash & yall canned...



Deep in the wildland, Stones placed by a cold hand, A tribe of the heartland, A world far away. The forest surrounds them, And Spirits have found them, They drink from the fountain, On the noon of the...
Tony Robbins is probably the most gifted communicator I have ever seen and one of his most amazing feats is that in his live seminars, he is able to take people from feeling depressed to empowered in...