Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good afternoon. I hope you're all as happy as I am to be here today. I'm pretty sure you're not because to me this is sort of a...
Soo Ha. Wake up, it's morning. What is this? Why are you wearing that at home? Is this perhaps a dream? Of course it's a dream. Did you think it's reality? Your dream is so...
Armaan and Riddhima - Do Pal Traducere : Lilicutza D " Doar pentru doua clipe, caravanele viselor noastre s-au oprit, " " Si atunci tu ai plecat pe drumul tau iar eu pe al...



Subtitle By SwapRipper aka Swapnil .... Lay back and enjoy....||||||| I think its our tradition... It comes out of a... ...particularly painful part of our history. Yes. Yes. But it's been a way we've...
Se afla echipa intr-o forma buna? Cred ca suntem intr-o forma buna. Am inceput noul an cu doua victorii si asta este foarte important. Am jucat si bine, chiar daca meciurile au fost dificile, dar cel...

