君の声が好き 笑った笑顔が好き その仕草がたまらなく愛しい 会いたくて 会いたくて すぐ伝えたくて君を想っているよ 出会って分かれてのくり返し、ホントの所かなり虚しい 次こそは最後の恋だと信じて全身全霊心開いて 精神誠意気持ちで答えて、二人の心通ってくeveryday 間違い探しの毎日はやめた近づく距離の速度をはやめた 手探りの毎日の中で君と出会えた瞬間に心に火が灯った...



Ru Guo Shi Qu Shi Ku Ni Hai Pa Bu Pa Fu Chu Ru Guo Zhui Luo Shi Ku Ni Hai Yao Bu Yao Xing Fu Ru Guo Mi Luan Shi Ku Zai Kai Shi Hai Shi Jie Su Ru Guo Zhui Qiu Shi Ku Zhe Shi Jian Qiang Hai Shi Zhi Mi...
Aki's voice became hoarse and unbearable For the future Sakutarou Matsumoto That's a sound I wish to forget I like you, Saku Even if it's meaningless to others But other than...
I wish to tell you You school will soon be demolished You want to come see it for the last time? Miya Hiroshi, fight... Miya Hiroshi, fight... Saku Kazuki Miya Hiroshi, fight... Good Morning, Why are...
My heart turned to ashes with Aki I don't have any wish right now For someone like me Am I alive or dead Alright I'll not celebrate my 6th birthday without Saku Stop being unreasonable...
There's not even a single pink hydrangea for me and Aki to enjoy Isn't it beautiful? The hydrangea reminding me about Aki that she is no longer in this world I can't let the...
青春の影 作詞/作曲:財津和夫 編曲:NapsaQ 君の心へ続く 長い一本道は kimi no kokoro e tsuduku nagai ippon michi wa いつも僕を勇気づけた itsumo boku wo yuuki duketa とても とてもけわしく totemo totemo kewashiku 細い道だったけど hosoi michi datta kedo...



HATESHINAI YUME WO TSURETE Bringing endless dream TŌKU ANO HANA NO YONI So far... like that flower MARUDE YUKI NO YŌNA SHIROI HANABIRA white petal like snow CHIRASU HARUKAZE KAGUWASHIKU spring wind...



何能如此 And Can It Be そして あり得るのだ 我主離開天父寶座 He left His Father's throne above 御神のひとり子 我がため死に給う 祂恩惠豐富無窮盡 So free, so infinite His grace — こよなきその愛 誰かは測り得ん 祂願虛己充滿慈愛 Emptied Himself of all but love...
忍不住化身一條固執的魚 ren bu zhu hua shen yi tiao gu zhi de yu 逆著洋流獨自游到底 ni zhe yang liu du zi you dao di 年少時候虔誠發過的誓 nian shao shi hou qian cheng fa guo de shi 沉默地沉沒在深海裡 chen mo di chen mo zai shen hai li 重溫幾次...