Across the Indian Ocean, or the vast Australian desert, is Perth: A modern city of nearly 2 million people. The capital of Western Australia follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its...
Across the Indian Ocean, or the vast Australian desert, is Perth: A modern city of nearly 2 million people. The capital of Western Australia follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its...
pete our people fighting against you if you recall that we had on this program bill mckibben who was uh... was on tour with is do the math to war specifically targeting universities uh... and college...
FROM IMDB-DL.COM SUBTITLED BY RASHEDSAIEDI My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26,I made 49 millions $ which really pissed me off because it was 3 shy of a million a week. We're making a name...
if you are the new york stock exchange was completely flooded because of hurricane sandy chances are you got your information from c_n_n_ and chances are c_n_n_ got its information from a twitter...
Mayday! Mayday! This is the Annabelle. I've lost my bearings! I'm taking on water. My last good reading is 44 degrees north, 68 degrees.... Portland Station to Annabelle. What is your position? I...
【工場見学】「カーボン製」のエアロパーツってどうやってできるの? きめ細かいマテリアルを再現する CFRPエアロができるまで。 「カーボン(CFRP)製のエアロパーツ」といえば、さまざまなクルマやスタイルにマッチし、無骨なマテリアルでレーシーなルックスをもたらす。 このCFRPとは、”Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics”の頭文字をとったもの。...
it's sis on the phone pleasure to welcome to the program alan charlie he is the program director for u_s_ action welcome to the program out well thank you very much so i tried u_s_ action just...
アストン マーティン・ラゴンダを24台所有する男 一体なぜ? ガレージを取材 あたらしいラゴンダ・コンセプト同様、かつてのアストン マーティンにもおなじ名前を冠する、未来を先取りしたクルマがありました。 なんと24台のラゴンダをひとりで所有する男、ロジャー・ダディングを、リチャード・ブレムナーが直撃します。 ひとりで24台のラゴンダを所有。...