Asking and answering oneself, infinite advice, a dangerous thing Internal bleeding, we've hit a snag Wanting to share a new pain from the frontal lobe, information bypass Unable to resolve,...
(When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running.) (You believe in power, it's mental power.) 「サイバーフォーミュラSAGA」 カバー曲「Identity Crisis  <progressive future mode>」 歌:保志総一朗 / 作詞:松本花奈 作曲:大門一也 /...



就是說從硬紙箱裡頭 跑出來個逃兵武士 嚇著了? 嚇死了 聽到了嗎 血的聲音 怎麼會... 銀時你好像變弱了 就這樣 劍士高杉踏上了成為最強劍士的旅途 開什麼始啊 我才不幹呢 如果不裝備好武器的話就沒有意義了 別纏我 高杉受到5點傷害 說起來 這可是根好棒子 高杉受到5點傷害 高杉受到5點... 喂!憑什麼從剛才開始就一直受到傷害啊 因為你沒有裝備好啊 什麼? 就是說從剛才開始我就這麼拿著劍啊 咱別...



東京ディズニーシーにようこそ おこしくださいました 本日東京ディズニーシーは午後 10時まで開園いたしております ステキな旅のひとときをどうぞ お楽しみください hello every one. welcome to tokyo disney sea. for your enjoymenttokyo disney sea will be open until 10 pm. 皆様にお知らせいします...
Mic OK! Here we go! Let's get overdressed with a miniskirt (kyun) You will be shocked by "gap moe" (kyun) I fantasize about love and my circuit is out of control But...
Hello guys, this is Luisa! Yesterday I went to the Basel Autumn fair with my friend! At this time there are many food stands, big wheels, roller coasters, roundabouts,...well there are a lot of...



Sometime the quirk of fate is soo cruel. I'm Maeda Kurumi... 15 years old. My name is Maeda Yui. I am seven~❤ I'm Huma, kiki. Nice to me you, ki! As of toady I'm going back in...
Don't do that, cousins! Stitch! This is... Stitch... What exactly did you do? Bad cousins attacked me! There's nobody here. Do not tell lies! No lie! They had an "H"...
I had no idea spider webs had a such a use.... [*pant pant pant*] Spider webs are five times as strong as steel. Miracle Fruit Cleared The battle scene got skipped, too. As the winner's...
This sub explains what this movie is about. The character you will see soon is called "Chita MILK" who is personification of "Chita Young man's support...

