1 <b>بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم</b> والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الخلق والمرسلين نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين بسلم عليك أخي الكريم وبسلم عليكى أختى الكريمةِ ونبدأ معا لقائنا...



IHDR gAMA pHYs tEXtSoftware Microsoft Office IDATx^ V(Rh Jqww wwww \H/: Zy|$ Iw^L ~xn_ f8^; Iwi: !g9F p{1^ 9|.? t uU q}=i oP~yu AESgq B^o. O+wqP d)w1y ;s.uqv y=y] !8Pe q({) 'a.#iv ^o^w...



Explanation Why Islam is The Only True Religion and not only that, God informed us in quran about scientific facts wich western scientists also confirmed that this info mUust be from God watch here...



>> Usually when um... uh... businesses or interest groups call for deregulation, they are saying that that there is too much government restrictions. >> Talk about...



I made a lot of mistakes against him and I regret that then I made another mistake I scared of his anger I scared of his anger so I cried and here I make another mistake I run to him crying asking for...



That which is incumbent upon the student of knowledge, is that he seek (to follow) the way of the predecessors of this nation from the Companions of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and those who...



ftypmp42 isomavc1mp42 Gtmoov lmvhd iods trak \tkhd mdia mdhd Bhdlr soun (C) 2007 Google Inc. v06.24.2007. *3minf smhd $dinf dref url stbl [stsd Kmp4a 'esds stts 4stsc 'Xstsz stco trak...
Some people love to entertain themselves after the stress of work, study and daily works and he is one of the people that we talk about them He looks for a beautiful and a quiet place to entertain...



Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest, Allaah is the greatest, How perfect He is, The One Who has place this (transport) at our service, and we ourselves would not have been capable of that,...