Mi coraza es como la de las tortugas y tengo alma de oso hablador. Entre lobos y cabras de las alturas, aquí estoy, tengo la piel de un castor. Verdes lagos y bosques sin fin, como aquella vez quiero...
C'est Papa qui m'a mit au pain sec et à l'eau, Et puis qui m'a conduit dans un sombre cachot. Ca va faire quatre jours que je suis enfermé, Et je crie comme un sourd et je tape du pied. C'est pas...



Vou subir o monte, o monte olímpia A morada dos deuses, a morada dos loucos Das pessoas que embarcam todo dia para um escaler Perdidos escombros dos ossos de quem quiser Vou subir o monte num...
-INTRO- Ya llego el muneco mas esperado, El super heroe mas completo, Con capacidad de matar diez villanos a la ves, A la venta ya en tu tienda de juguetes favorita Baterias no incluidas, distribule...



Aja!! Tego Calde Y la tia ata el ocho e va Hey el negrollibiri El segungo Impacto Oye Parate un momento, calmate un segundo, Pendiente preta atencion porque ya me llego el turno, Tecnica en cantidad...



Då eg va liten va det snop og godver. Krigen var over Onkel Lauritz va på radio Av onkel Sam fikk vi så enkle lover Donald Duck & Co Mødre va heme - det va lett å leve To timer TV Vi så...
MOORE I was kind of a strange child. My parents knew early on that something must have been wrong with me. I crawled backwards until I was 2... but had Kennedy's inaugural address memorized by the...
What happened? The right thing? I used to know right from wrong. Life used to feel right. Kato raised me in the mountain village. That I called home. But I found the only friend in my life. Happiness...
Fair seat, bad hands, mount not sufficiently schooled. Disqualified. Here's the California cockerel. Ten pesos he clears 'em all. Cleanly? Taken. Grow wings, my friend. Ten pesos, if you please. Maybe...
I've been informed one of my shipping vessels is arriving tomorrow. They'll anchor off Maderas Cove. The cargo must be brought here safely. I want no mistakes. Now that we have the deed, will the...