You Light Up My Life

The scene is a street outside the White House. Two guards are standing at a gate. From offstage we hear a car pull up and Guard 1 goes to meet it. He addresses the driver in a voice that shows the...



Opening LILY: Clusters of crocus Purple and gold Blankets of pansies Up from the cold Lilies and iris Safe from the chill Safe in my garden Snowdrops so still FAKIR: Ah A'o jadu ke mausam A'o garmiyo...
Act One Not For the Life of Me MILLIE: I studied all the pictures in magazines and books I memorized the subway map too It's one block north to Macy's and two to Brothers Brooks Manhattan, I prepared...
1. Footloose/On Any Sunday Ren Been working so hard I'm punching my card Eight hours, for what? Oh, tell me what I got Chuck, Lyle & Travis Been working so hard I'm punching my card Eight hours,...
(The stage is black. Humming can be heard.) VOICE The mind is a wondrous place to wander when one is unaware. (Humming stops.) VOICES Who is that? Who has broken through in here? You there! VOICE Me?...



Act One SANTA FE (PROLOGUE) JACK (spoken): Them streets down there, they sucked the life right outta my old man. Well they ain't doin' that to me. CRUTCHIE (spoken): But everyone wants to come to New...
Estragon Vladimir Lucky Pozzo a boy ACT I Act 2 Back to Samuel Beckett Resources A country road. A tree. Evening. Estragon, sitting on a low mound, is trying to take off his boot. He pulls at it with...
LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, Martha Stewart joins us, her first live, in-depth interview since she became a billionaire. That's next on LARRY KING LIVE. It's rare when someone becomes larger than...
You knew it would be bleak when you went back to Apple. Just how bad was it? Much worse than I could imagine. The people had been told they were losers for so long they were on the verge of giving up....
JSP Do you know the exact date when you got clean? DM 17 June 1992. I have a belly button birthday – the day I’m born – and a ‘clean’ birthday.  And what do you do on your clean birthday? I go to [an...