(buzzing sound) (music plays) Wow Wow So what do you guys think? Best hundred dollars we ever spent! Right? That was awesome! You guys think so? I mean, I'm telling you, it's so bad...
Have you ever come to a home improvement store, and somebody offers you a brand-new back yard? ANNOUNCER: Matt's throwing out the bait. I'm a random stranger asking to do your yard....
for the meeting this is the third is series of four meetings that our sponsor co-sponsored by the national uh... comprehensive centre network in the regional comprehensive centers and uh... the dip...
Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop D.Wunder, Macks Wolf, You know we rocking it, rocking it, RaOol Banja meri dil ki rani (uh) Meri Rani You know she got it Yeah she dope, she so narcotic Way she move, she...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf510 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0...
Hi and welcome to De Filmkabouter. My name is Julie-Renee and today I will tell you all about The Hunger Games 2, I have a list of a very underappreciated car accessory and I will test a gadget that...
I`m not very good at singing songs but here's a try If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch You must first invent the universe Space is filled with a network of wormholes You might...
#glorious dawn #sunrise #pretty sky #wise quotes #i will always want you #i don't wanna miss a thing lyrics #miss saigon #littlewhitechurch #beautiful bc #man from the stars #you who came from the stars #man made clouds #not science #ahhmedicine #such a good stretch #this one might be my favourite #i want to make #such a beautiful video #one of my favorite songs #ahhhh so beautiful #Quantum Day #they used to hate each other #but then again this version's being weird with me #hip hop quotes #politics image of the day #what's the pulse #reblog this #steven universe #pale blog #Entertaining & Cooking Books #first promotional single #My Recipes Yes, I Want Cake #amazinglyperfect #dogs are the way to my heart #song quotes #love beyond forever #john carlson #magazine advert #white goods #Films I'll watch someday #name unrelated to color #not one more #and another thing #beautifulquotes #this place is beautiful #lawl #thesundaymorningproject #youwish #BeautifulMonsters #Amazing nature and science-y stuff #space is beautiful #The Milky Way #recipeformoments #save the whales #personalfavorites #aw alan bless you #theselittlemomentsareperfect #spokanerising #not sure if I like this one #greatthingsstudios #steve irwin #Human Beauty in Art, Photographs,& Illustrations #Must Do #we'll see #Point well taken #morning quotes #but i wanted to make some #Not reblogs #beadtable #like4reblog #reblog4reblog #my favorite female artists of all time #i'm mostly joking #reach for the sky #men's physique #happyyogi #oneinthemorning #please reblog #epicmoviequote #and i can't find any of my other two dogs :( #John H. White #single quotes #music poster #I am not proud of him #hawking #my birthday wish list #palate cleanser #Top 25 Most Popular EatCookSmile Recipes #mytwofavorites #nycbartistseries #loopy meds #make the space #Just a quick quote #except my love and appreciation #i dont like waiting i get silly #same one #Whoopwhoop #everything is beautiful #stuff for Sage #Pie Station #quote inspiration #Inspiring Men #The One and Only Boss Bruce #yay im excited its my first one #we shall find out if this is a good idea or not #sunrises #galaxynails #musical inspiration #musical quote #NYC DOT #relevantnature #i enjoy this #todaywasagoodday #It sounds like 'hot' when he says heart #so proud of you Em #you did us proud #dark sky #I made this yay~ #risetothemoment #easily the third greatest tv show of all time #friendstilweare80 #may the force be with you #more like day #but I do love the colors #reblog my stuff #iwishicuddraw #PBS Black Culture Connection #carlsagan #werolldeep #Blue Sky Studios #dawn of the dinosaurs #we are one #A Second Chance NYC #Black&White #One of us. #Cool - Fun - Weird Science #might as well #symphany #baby the stars shine bright #song one #all white #i am a scientist #video still #late payment rip off #ohyeah #pic of planets #listentothis #paleandpretty #songs that remind me of you #whale sounds like human #whale sounds #white whale #some old games i played thousands of times #want vs need #youreawesome #i know all you guys did it #almosttwofeet #not now #speakintoexistence #ifyouaretheone #If You Are The One #first place guys #i will miss you #verygood #sympathy #youweretakenfromus #thedaythemusicdied #but all of you are special #little mix inspired #music quotes #but i do #ross brand #picofthemorning #raising sheep #This was way too sweet #you are all beautiful #All We Can Really Do #The Mega Men Podcast #band geeks #it's a beautiful place #reblogbookclub #it's so short i think everyone should just take an #have I already posted this one #SometimesThe Caption Makes the Picture #mustbethemoon #BRAND NEW MUSIC VIDEO #itakecoolphotossometimes #Planets In The Night Sky #my melody #rap artists #Classic Rap #New Universe #new music videos #quotes about music #gratuitous picture of yourself #LE CIEL THE SKY #five year old drawing #im a nerd #But I do seriously like dinosaurs #The Dark Beyond the Stars #After all we've been through #twilight quotes #foreverquote #insperationquote #musicquote #I once read somewhere #Stephen #Just for lulz. #rise records #above&beyondpics #aboveandbeyondpics #beautiful quotes #makingmyself212 #applepie #adulttable #nice quotes #proudblackman #does this mean something else #apple watch #Apple fans #still into you #COSMO #music #universo #scienza



Ok, let's look at my chest! OH MY GOD! *AMAZEMENT* Chris laughs. You've got everything that you'll need. Apart from a bow... and a sword. You gave me arrows :) Thank you so...



and n head who do you know we're gonna play another episode of my Minecraft Pocket Edition uh... we're continuing awesomeness of course microwaves you know the couple things happen...