Ovdje sam u političkom centru, Londonu. Iza mene je Parlament, a niz ulicu rezidencija premijera. Odmah preko Irskog mora u Sjevernoj Irskoj bio je i danas završava G8 samit, sa predstavnicima...



>> Journalist: Multiethnic village Rabovce/Rabofc which located about 6 km from Lipjan, with 30 families and about 120 residents, until recently, was completely separated from the world....
<i>What happened with the corruption at schools and universities?</i> <i>The effects of practitioners' internship process...?</i> Dear...



Today I am going to give you a little tour of my website. rleese.weebly.com This is my home page. There is a poll on this page that will change every week. This week's poll shows that most of...
[Music] More Champagne? Oh, no thank you. Are you sure I can't get you a little something to eat while you wait? No, she'll be here. Ok, well, let me know if you change your mind....



In Adice, yesterday there was a sound of music, of Miroslav Ilic and famous Ana Perisic, Big time band and Gagi band, and many more, as well as every year until now, there were many humanitarian...
Defiance Let us forget the power of will for a moment. A feeble mind stuck in the development of it’s own jealousy. And she – she suffers though not for much longer, I think. No, you can not escape...
[Music] [French Music] So, I was thinking... I want to take you to the beach. Aw, Sweetie, that's great. [Sigh] Oh, you, can you can come too, Tiffany. - Oh, thanks. - Great, this will be so...



Ok, ok, ok,.... stop now, stop. Stop now. Ladies and gentleman, respected Jagodinians... Mister Sale... Anticu I am glad so many of you came to see unique happenings in Serbia. Few days ago I said......
>> Journalist: Farmers from Kosovo visited International Agricultural Fair held in Novi Sad thanks to Community Action Initiative Program implemented by Mercy Corps and funded by USAID....