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Talking about backyard safety. You want to be sure that any doors that are leading into your backyard are very secure from a child getting out there accidentally without your knowing. It only takes a...
Clea Erase is a protective liquid coat that can be seamlessly applied to interiors as easily as traditional paint with Clear Erase you can turn any smooth low porosity surface in any colour into a...



We got Frank almost five years ago. One of the draws to getting the building itself was this long wall we had, this exposed wall, and it was a pretty easy thing to set up to start contacting basically...
[ Music ] >> I responded to this space. I was really drawn to it architecturally. I started thinking about the fact that this is the study of Eastern Europe and that a lot of people come...
The artwork that you use for printing processes isn't always efficient for cutting. Aren't you tired of weeding every little minute detail in the artwork you've been using? One...
Welcome back to https://hkgraphics.com! Todays video features a new way to get your brand or message noticed with a material called Walk-N-Wall. It’s an 8 mil thick textured vinyl with a...
Tools required: Tape measure, hammer, acrylic primer, spirit level, tile adhesive, filler, combed trowel, hand saw, sandpaper, screwdriver, scraper, sponge, pencil and safety gear. Step One: Examine...
Hey guys…Got a problem? Hey guys…Got a problem? Want to give your house a new look? Want to give your house a new look? Maybe… Redecorate the living room? Or perhaps… Change the furniture? Any ideas?...
What is important to you? What's important to you? Family, friends, music... What matters to you? Sports, education, art... What inspires you? Being healthy, going green, doing my part, Hi,...