The promises of the fuhrer about peace and prosperity are destroyed 2 00:01:51,280 --> 00:01:55,432 and left nothin but destruction. The nastiness Hitler broughed with his SS are a shame to the...
Ieaving in their wake a path of destruction. The outrages committed by HitIer's SS are a stain on the honor of the German Army. There is widespread disgust in the officer corps... toward the crimes...
Tirol Empire limits. Thousands of light years from Earth. ティロル・エンパイア宙域、地球からの何千光年先。 "Sector 7, cleared." [セクター7、ウ^ケスト。] "Sector 4 cleared." [セクター4、ウ^ケスト。]...



Jones: Welcome to the trombone master class for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. My name's Katie Jones, and I'm the co-principal trombone of the London Symphony Orchestra. The first...
"We were taken by surprise." [我々は、不意を襲われた。] "By the time I ordered to fall back, it was too late." [退却を命じた時には、遅すぎた。] "You will be demoted from your ranks...



UNSPACY Informed that Project Valkyrie is finished. ヴァルキリー計画の完了を統合宇宙軍が発表しました。 It is an aircraft will revolutionise aerial combat tactics. 空中戦の戦術を革新する航空機になるでしょう。 There's no time to lose....



strange lights being seen in different parts of the city of Buenos Aires ブエノスアイレス市の別地区で、奇妙な発光が見られました。 USS KENOSHA, Pacific Ocean, year:1999 1999年 太平洋上、USS KENOSHA Are we facing proof of alien life?...



Denis Kiris, chairman of the Independent Union of Actors of Stage and Screen, the head of the project The project has two titles. One is the Drama Train and the second says that actors of stage and...
פול: שלום. שמי פול מילנר ואני נגן טרומבון הבס הראשי בתזמורת הסימפונית של לונדון. זהו סרטון כיתת האמן השני שלי עבור התזמורת הסימפונית של YouTube והייתי רוצה להודות תחילה לכל הצופים של הסרטון הקודם,...