Ich hab einen Kaffee geleert und ein Brot gegessen Dann geduscht, Zähne geputzt, lange auf Klo gesessen Ich schlafe immer aus und geh erst spät ins Bett schickt man mich zur Arbeit besorg ich mir ein...
Am Anfang bin ich noch zusammmengezuckt obwohl ickn fahrschein hatte, wenn die kamen in zug und die tür schloss mit dem tut tut tut kurze pause "die fahrausweise bitte" und jut gezückt und...
Arbeitslos und meistens fett Schuldenberg, Scheißendreck das ist alles was man braucht für Dienstleistungserschleicherrap Ab und an mal schwarzfahren, nicht bezahlen, Haftbefehl immer große Fresse...
This tutorial is going to be a crochet star this star was made with size ten crochet cotton, and a size nine steel crochet hook for the tutorial, I am going to be using a size 0 steel crochet hook...
HOW TO GET URINE STAINS OUT OF CARPET If the area is still wet, be sure to blot the urine stain with a clean towel. You can also use paper towels to help absorb any remaining urine. If you have access...



this is going to be crochet flower we'll be using a size I 5.5 millimeter crochet hook and four ply worsted weight yarn we will be making six petals and one center we'll start by...
HOW TO REMOVE GREASE STAINS FROM CARPET Using a bit of water, sponge the stain, removing the extra grease. Mix 1 teaspoon of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon dish soap and a cup of water. Apply this solution...



HOW TO REMOVE KETCHUP FROM CARPET Take one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and mix it with 2 cups of cool water. Sponge the stain with a white cloth that's soaked in this solution. Rinse the...
Diz ai doutor, aqui no rap eu canto a vida Enquanto nos cuzao jogo balde de água fria Vivendo de uma vez, mas um dia de cada dia Com os irmãos de verdade eu converso por telepatia Sintonia é o nome...



Hello guys Today I am here to start another video lesson at the beginning of this video, you saw the photo of two sets of carpets, for bathroom with flowers that even I already posted on my blog had...