How would you describe Bangkok Dangerous? I refer to that as my interracial action movie, as I’m the one white guy in Asia and I befriend a young Thai person who becomes my protégé and we work...



Sing a song, we'll all sing along  with the Mother Goose Club.  The Mother Goose Club! [ laughter ] Everybody, let's snap, snap, snap. Everybody, let's tap, tap, tap. Now let's sing it. Clap, clap,...
Hi, I'm Jared, welcome to "Fun Science Demos". The big idea today is life cycles. All living things go through steps and a life cycle, and today we're going to talk about a living thing that...



Today we will talk about the distribution of water. A water distribution network consists of pipes with appurtenances and it transports water from the treatment plant to the consumers tap. It includes...
How to be spiritual? What is Spirituality? How to Achieve Abundance and Happiness?This Christian edition of the Tao Te Ching is an 81-day journey into the limitless power of your spirit that will...
tracking and moving with the ball, from the book: Developing High Performance Tennis pPayers by Edgar Giffenig section 10 Dealing with competitive pressure. Grip Rally Players rally stopping the ball...
Connecting a Bluetooth headset Click the Menu button and then select "Ustawienia" (Settings). Tap "Sieci zwykłe i bezprzewodowe" (Wireless & Network) To...
Press the camera button to open camera Tap the "Camera Mode" icon Tap the "Manual" mode Tap the screen to change the focus Pinch to zoom in/out, or you may use the volume buttons...
To set up VPN on your Android tablet, first you will pull down your notification bar and tap the settings icon. Tap "More..." Tap "VPN" Tap the + symbol in the top right hand...
The next challenge of today is: When to prune the Walnut? Most trees are pruned in spring, somewhere in March April. and the hedge in end of summer of course. Yet the common walnut... that's a...