Well, reading mystery novels is my secret vice. I really love them, and there are some authors I really like. Not only are they well written but they're sort of an intellectual puzzle trying...



MORGAN GENDEL: I was friends with Joe Menosky, and Joe Menosky had come to the Stephen J. Cannell company. He was, I believe, writing on a show called "Hunter", and I sort of helped...



(opening credits and music) Britney: O.K. so this is the semi official definition of dyslexia from the National Institute of Child Health and Development and it is also the definition adopted by the...
The question today is what is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a word that comes from the Greek it literally means difficulty "dis" with language "lexia." Dyslexia is a...
Sometimes a young couple when one of them has had dyslexia or experiences dyslexia want to know if they can prevent their children from having dyslexia. And the simple answer to that is no. If we...
Teachers often ask if there are such things as misconceptions about dyslexia. Actually the two most important common misconceptions have to do with beliefs about what dyslexia is. Many people believe...
I had started out like a lot of writers with basically nothing to write about. And I started writing murder mysteries simply because that was a genre in which I thought I might be able to sell...
where you want to go finger means that you are intermodal allison's treating the we back but we got a whole invite you meet demonstrated beaver coming hiking dustin you don't have to...
>> All right let me continue with a few other artists as well and artist groups, people who are specifically making art and operating within this sort of, in this world. The first artist...
The number one fear in America today is public speaking. That's why it's no surprise that many people find pitching a documentary to an investor to be so daunting. However, with some...