I first started to develop psoriasis about six years ago now. The main symptoms I get are itching and redness and also flakiness. The main places on my body that I get the symptoms are on my hands,...
If have hypertension, the patient need to control the hypertension in the normal level that can do surgery. If it's a very high level of blood pressure, It's not the good case to do...
CHAIRPERSON MATHUR: I'm going to call the open session of the Pension and Health Benefits Committee to order. And the first order of business is roll call. COMMITTEE SECRETARY JIMENEZ: Priya...
What did they do today? They cleaned my teeth. Uh-huh? And they brushed it Uh-huh? And they then- I drink the rinse mouth wash And you like them? Yes. Aah. They took pictures? uhh... Not yet, right?...
Are you tired of waiting in line for your prescription refills? Do you have a hard time finding transportation to get to the pharmacy? Why not join the other County Bureau of Health Services patients...



In the case that maybe has lost so much of the body weight, In general, I recommend waiting for at least one year to see what happens. Why? In one year, if lost more weight, so when you lost more...
"La casa azul" is open to all designers, artists, and artisans. We're located in Guatemala City. We have objets d'art that are kitschy, funky, and...
and k_-two inspires servos thermore marijuana alternatives being marketed said young people via the internet india local headshots as legal alternatives in error one of the cannot be detected by the...



MARK ALYN: Well, welcome to NeedyMeds. As you can see, we are in studio right now with Dr. RICH SAGALL. And we are talking about NeedyMeds and the patient assistance that it offers that the...



>> PRIYA MATHUR: All right. Now for the moment you've all been waiting for. (laughing). >> Or the two hours. >> PRIYA MATHUR: Or the two hours. Okay....