Hello my name is Graziano from restaurant Krizia, Budapest, Hungary on behalf of Expert Village. I'm going to teach you how to make Italian food. Now we are making Spaghetti with Bolognese...



Hello, my name is Graziano from restaurant Krizia in Budapest, Hungary on behalf of Expert Village. I'm going to teach you to how make Italian food. We are checking now our spaghetti,...
Now our spaghetti has been cooking for about ten minutes and we’re going to go ahead and check to see if it’s cooked to al dente. And what al dente means is that it’s not quite all the way cooked yet...



[music] A question I get asked all the time is "Okay, if there was a God - an intelligent designer, WHICH God is it?" And it's an excellent question! A few years back, the...
Hi, I'm Natalie Riley, and this is the Shelf Reliance Test Kitchen. Today, I'm using all kinds of THRIVE goodness to make a delicious spaghetti and meatball dinner for my family, and...
This opening style would be for, what I think of is like a prom dress. It's spaghetti straps with beading. And the spaghetti straps are what you would find on a camisole. Spaghetti means thin....
>> BLOODRUNSCLEAR: Hello, folks. Username Bloodrunsclear, here. I have my thinking muffin hat on in order to tell you something that's important, but ultimately painful. I have...



It is not only in Britain that spring, this year, has taken everyone by surprise. Here in the Ticino, on the borders of Switzerland and Italy, the slopes overlooking Lake Lugano have already burst...