Envied by everyone Perfect special lady Above everyone else you seem to be so blissful Nowhere in this large world Is there a replacement for you You alone to me are my everything Is it because...
If I solve the globe like a riddle Then I can go anywhere with everyone I’ve lived while wishing to be excited Who granted it? To the end of time, Boooon!! This warping and loopy thought of mine Will...
Welcome to the Tyben Show, I'm Tyler! *Muffled* and i'm Reuben! What!? REUBEN! Anyways, we would liek to give, a big shout out to JIMJAR! At WiiPowered.com Hi you 13 Year Old!...
For a while now, I've actually been covering shows that I at least found to be decent. It's a little weird considering what started getting me attention in the first place were me just...
If I were to solve the globe as if it were a riddle, I'd want to go anywhere with everyone It's wonderful to be able to wish you would tremble with excitement No one will grant that...
YouTube Poop: Where there's the SOS brigade, they pinch the sh*t out of stupid banana raincoat wearing b-tch back. Mario: Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh? Link: Great!...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 We sign our cards and...
There ain't no fear There ain't no hope There ain't no right There ain't no wrong Just make it loud And feel no touch There ain't no past There ain't no...
>> NARRATOR: Missouri's Money Follows the Person, or MFP program, helps people transition out of facility settings and move back into the community, improving their quality of...



A purple butterfly was on your right shoulder We had once kissed in the corner of the room The feeling I had felt my heart was torn in two Dissonant piano sounds keep clashing in my head A purple...