1, 2 1, 2, 3, 4 I know the planets of the solar system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Planets of the solar system They go round, around and round I know the planets of the solar system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Greetings and welcome to the introduction to astronomy. In this lecture, we're going to present an overview of our solar system. So we're going to look at all of the different types of...
[ ♪ Intro ♪ ] With all the bigger cosmological mysteries like dark matter, dark energy, or what happens at the center of a black hole, you might think a question as local as “How was our solar system...
[♪ INTRO] Here’s a simple question with a not-so-simple answer: What's it like at the edge of the solar system? You'd think that space would basically be the same anywhere, except...
Hey friends! Wondering where I am, right? Well, I am in space and do you know what that is? That is our Galaxy and it's called the Milky Way. Do you see that? That bright light is our Solar...
Hello! My name is Vasilina and you are watching Poznavaka! Firstly let’s warm up! Repeat after me! One, two, three, four, five and six. Ok? Today we are going to learn what is the Solar System. The...
when many of us grew up there were 9 planets in our solar system. It was like some fixed point in our brain. But in 2006, some news article came and we learnt that Pluto is not a planet. So what...
One could argue that almost any body in the solar system is habitable so long as you have the technology to colonize it. But that would involve this solar system’s elephant in the room, which is our...
There are 8 planets in our solar system orbiting around Sun. They are all of different sizes. But which one is the largest and which one is the smallest planet of our solar system? The smallest planet...
Top 6 Places to Find Alien Life In Solar System We still don't have hard evidence for any life that's not of this Earth, but across our solar system there are some tantalizing...