Welcome to Countryman Fairs Throughout 2016 Countryman Fairs have partnered with the biggest and most sought-after performers, demonstrators and all-around entertainers in the UK to add action packed...
As you can see we're here in a beautiful mountainous region of south-east Spain and we're here to hunt Barbary Sheep. Barbary Sheep are native to South Africa so they are basically...
GOGO - MŸSLI [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Aaaaah... Finally a new day A chance to do something So try to do something don‘t just sit and do nothing Aaaah... I rinse my face At least make a happy face Don’t...
I must whisper my words to you. In order that no one hear that I tell of the sale of the girls. No one should hear my voice, as I speak against Sharia. The traditions of my city is that women must...
Far away across the ocean...♫ An undiscovered paradise...♫ Forget New York and California...♫ There's a better place, now close your eyes.♫ Take my hand... we are almost there...♫ Our...
Carnage at the Paris Sheepfold Hello I'm Ghis. Friday night November 13, 2015, there was a huge event in Paris. Wicked wolves broke into the fold and killed and injured many sheep. The...
Hi kid my name is steve hi steve ive been mining for diamonds all week and i chooping down a moutain and a tree and i been fighting spiders and pokng sheep. You see i built me a village then i built...
It’s amazing the, the journey - it’s amazing the journey that you take in life. Just to be able to look back on it and just talk about it. If my father was here I wouldn’t be here. If my dad was...
(machine humming) PEGGY JO WELLS: I had wanted to be part of the mill from the beginning, 'cause I've always had a passion for fiber. NARRATOR: There aren't many wool mills in...
Further, we can see a man, a supervisor in uniform, in cap, with a pistol and a dog; the dog starts barking: "wow". What does that mean? Again, this symbol is revealed through the...