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Severe weather can strike anywhere and at any time. Whether you live in a city, suburb or rural area - we are all at risk. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, straight line winds and flash floods can devastate...
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Exercise blackout Multi-agency, multi-casualty exercise North Weald Airfield 21 January 2014 Multi-vehicle collisions, or pile-ups can be deadly and can close important routes for several hours and...
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Chinatown by TravelPod member ewtodd Hop On Hop Off bus @ Botanical Gardens by TravelPod member ewtodd Downtown Singapore by TravelPod member ewtodd Singapore Lion by TravelPod member ewtodd Cavanagh...



Time: 7 Dec, 2013 1:01:18 PM Type: Normal Speed: 9.9 Lat.: 1.41015711 Lon.: 103.82934138 Time: 7 Dec, 2013 1:01:24 PM Type: Normal Speed: 31.5 Lat.: 1.41003215 Lon.: 103.82968153 <font...



*Door Opens* Traffic Police : You just reverse in.... Bus Captain : Reverse Through?? Traffic Police : Go to ??? Reverse... Bus Captain : Huh? Traffic Police : ???? Then u come out by reversing......
JFIF Adobe ]Exif 2009:03:12 13:46:42 Corbis 2008:03:14 13:59:26 2008:03:14 13:59:26 JFIF (:3=<9387@H\N@DWE78PmQW_bghg>Mqypdx\egc /cB8Bcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc...

