Este es una historia corta de unos individuos que rechazan las ideas de la ventaja comparativa y de los beneficios de el comercio internacional en los 1970's Arabia Saudita resultó ser una...
Hey it's me and I want to talk about two words I keep hearing to try and explain how maybe they're linked. Peak oil and peak water. So you may have heard of peak oil, but have you...
Despite the current war on terror, or Islam, or whatever you want to call it, both Britain and America are still very good friends with certain Arab countries because these countries provide us with a...
there are religious police in saudi arabia and dot now public opinion in saudi arabia starting to ship right so keep that in mind a religious cop was at an amusement park and he was looking for uh......
In 2004, one of my relatives took me to a mosque... and told me: " stand here, beg for money holding your medical report.. and whatever you'll gain will be split in half between...