It was actually fifty, almost fifty years ago or more that my father literally stood at the roof of the world, at the peak of the Himalayas, before he descended into the Indian sub-continent being...
What we are saying in Shambhala and what the Dorje Dradul [Trungpa Rinpoche] was saying and what we are expressing here is again that society is not a Utopian state; but that it is a society that has...
[gong sounds] >>Narrator: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is a Tibetan spiritual king. He has all the traditional rigorous training of a Tibetan lama, and he was raised in the West....
>> Narrator [female]: It's hard to avoid seeing that the world is going through a very difficult time; we want to do something to help, but what. Policies negotiations and wars...
The Sakyong, Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche, is one of Tibet’s highest and most respected incarnate lamas. He teaches workshops on meditation, compassion and leadership throughout the world. His two books,...
How do you do peace? So I should do this and I should do that. Well, yeah, I mean that's great. And I think if you can help one person with one situation, that's a life you've...
[gong sounds] >>Narrator: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is a Tibetan spiritual king. He has all the traditional rigorous training of a Tibetan lama, and he was raised in the West....



We're trying to shift a culture; that’s what we are doing here. We're shifting a culture that acknowledges the power, the necessity of its citizens to feel their humanity and to...
L'UNION BOUDDHISTE DE FRANCE presents SAGESSES BUDDHISTE (Buddhist Wisdom) Hello everyone. Hello everyone. We are very happy to have you join us here, this Sunday morning, on program Sagesses...
(sound of chanting, bells and gongs) Narration by President of Shambhala, Richard Reoch. High in the mountains of northern China is one of the world's most revered sites, Wu Tai Shan, the...