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Lamp replacement for Mitsubishi part number 915P020010 brought to you by Visit to search the hundreds of thousands of TV parts in our inventory. To properly replace the...
Hi! My name is Mark Raybon, owner of Larry's Service Center. I'm a third generation Chevron Gas Station owner. I'm a ASE certified master technician and certified car guy today...
Whether you’ve filled your hard drive, or it’s just plain dead, swapping out the hard drive in your iMac is not as difficult as you might imagine. And while the lack of obvious screws might make it...
Mitsubishi 915P061010 Lamp replacement for brought to you by Visit to search the hundreds of thousands of TV parts in our inventory To properly replace the lamp inside...
The DLP chip is located within the light engine or optical engine. To be best prepared to replace the DLP chip inside of your TV, you will need the following materials, a pair of latex gloves, your...