DONNA KARAN: Any way you slice it, this life is chaotic. So unless we figure out how to navigate the waters through chaos—ain't gonna happen. [Music] Cancer has been throughout my whole...
Hi there, I'm Kirsten Drysdale from THE CHECKOUT and it's a great honour to be featured on the SCAMwatch website. I think...? When I was first approached to be involved I thought,...



We've all heard it. We've all said it. We've all seen it. We've all laughed at it. But that doesn't make it OK. Hateful speech is everywhere. So much so that...
Hello. I have something I would like to share with you, this is particularly great news. You've probably seen the blog that I posted on my website referring to an upcoming award. NDA is...
>> Elizabeth Lopez: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Elizabeth Lopez, and I am the Student Coordinator for the Drug and Alcohol Awareness and Wellness Guide Program. >>...
We're here to give away the Allstate Motorcycle Bobber. We had a national giveaway to address the fact that Allstate is very much behind motorcycle safety, and this is Motorcycle Safety Month,...
Communication is pretty much all I do. It enables us to communicate our thoughts and our wants and our needs and our feelings. When you think about it, in your average day,the number of times you...
Were you aware that one out of five women and 1 out of seven men first experience some type of dating violence between the ages of 11 and 17? Not all teen relationships are how they seem. Rape,...
Hello there im Andy Brine from Become Authentic on Video and today I wanted to talk to you about how you can use online video to promote yourself as an author and a writer but before I do so I wanted...
Korea's National Health Insurance Service, responsible for promoting public health, says it could be seeking up to 309 million U.S. dollars in damages from cigarette companies next month. The...