A verdadeira idade do Sol e de seus planetas é, talvez, 4,5 bilhões de anos e sujeito a revisão Este microscópico sistema solar em particular, provavelmente possui este mesmo tempo para rodar seu...



TODOS: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PALETO: ...lo más guapo es que dice:" el 31" como queriendo resaltar.. (exando una leñita easy) ULO: ...el tema se calienta... el tema se calienta......



We are in Corfu. We are leaving in a while. Today's tour it's going to be short. We'll come back to the boat later to relax. We won't be tired because it's not...
- Top o' the mornin' to ya! Today is Saturday the 16th of June, the time is 07:30 AM, so it's not really that early. Today me and Simon are going on our secret trip. We...
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suscribe with jet character hectic rukiya lane is classic right one persons you're uh... dexter test and a half cabinet cell that back isn't gatech right now main gephardt give us a...



bjbj Desde las primeras miradas a las playas de arena blanca, con sus aguas color turquesa cualquier tension se desvanecera Este es un destino donde es imposible hacer algo mas que relajarse y escapar...



bjbj Los tesoros del Caribe. Desde las primeras miradas a las playas de arena blanca, con sus aguas color turquesa cualquier tension se desvanecera Este es un destino donde es imposible hacer algo mas...
Every household has a box That replaces the kids And becomes the best parent of all And the world behind the wall Hi and welcome to the show Our topic today Is something that is here to stay...