The real revolution is the revolution of values. Human society appears centuries behind in the way it operates and hence what it values. If we wish to progress and solve the mounting problems at hand...
- Modest preemptive actions can obviate the need of more drastic actions at a later date. - You think that you've been taught things like confidence intervals in an elementary statistical...
Whether it's online or live or what have you, please be patient with me as I walk through some of this stuff. First, I want everyone to take a deep breath... Exhale... There's a lot of...
Oh, hello! Hey, tell me honestly. Do these pants make my ass look too big? Or wait, maybe not big enough? Is it time for a little butt cheek augmentation? Or maybe a little liposuction to take away...
Hello everybody. This is Peter Joseph. July 31 2011 I want to take a moment to respond to this 60 Minutes Brooklyn College edition news piece that was put out by a student named Daniel Allen under the...
If those folks out on the street that Adriana interviewed are representative many people blame Obama or even past-president George Bush for the country's current problems and though we have...
Shalom! At times like this, I really wish I spoke Hebrew. I have no idea what he just said, but I'm going to make a quick introduction before I begin the formal speech in great gratitude to...