THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. And tonight, I have a high privilege and distinct honor of my own -- as the first President to begin the State of the Union message with these words: Madam Speaker....
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CHAPTER 3 "Before these fields were shorn and till'd, Full to the brim our rivers flow'd; The melody of waters fill'd The fresh and boundless wood; And torrents...
CHAPTER 3. THE LAST HERD Over gray No-Man's-Land stole down the shadows of night. The undulating prairie shaded dark to the western horizon, rimmed with a fading streak of light. Tall figures,...
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens CHAPTER 1 ON THE LOOK OUT In these times of ours, though concerning the exact year there is no need to be precise, a boat of dirty and disreputable appearance,...
BOOK ONE THE COMING OF THE MARTIANS CHAPTER SEVENTEEN THE "THUNDER CHILD" Had the Martians aimed only at destruction, they might on Monday have annihilated the entire population of...
BOOK ONE THE COMING OF THE MARTIANS CHAPTER FIFTEEN WHAT HAD HAPPENED IN SURREY It was while the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me under the hedge in the flat meadows near Halliford, and while...
BOOK ONE THE COMING OF THE MARTIANS CHAPTER FOUR THE CYLINDER OPENS When I returned to the common the sun was setting. Scattered groups were hurrying from the direction of Woking, and one or two...
ni devus peti alian Mi ŝatus anonci ke ni havas patli kidnapo renkontiĝo kun la prezidanto obama kaj li estas contaminante estos helpi tre produktema dankema Columbia kaj la u_s_ do se vi rigardas la...
History of Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott -CHAPTER I. MARIUS AND SYLLA. There were three great European nations in ancient days, each of which furnished history with a hero: the Greeks, the...